Find your 420 friendly hotels, Bud and Breakfasts, vacation rentals and marijuana friendly rooms worldwide. 420 Friendly Booking is your best provider in cannabis tourism information, to help you find and book cannabis friendly lodging and weed tours.
Our listings have all the amenities you would want in a 420 friendly accommodations. Large rooms, pools, bars, patios and balconies are just a few options you will find on our listings. Of course all of them are 420-friendly some where on property.
List your cannabis friendly place!
Do you have a place that you hardly use? Do you want to make some extra money? Get a listing that will get your place rented regularly. Well then get it listed today!
You can place your weed friendly accommodation here on the site also. Start making money on your empty room, vacation home, BnB, hotel or condo that you have. Just use the sign up form and get your listing today.
So browse the site and find your perfect place to stay on your cannabis vacation, be sure to use the contact us form if you have any questions.
Have a great cannabis vacation.